Far Far Away


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I was horrified when joining instructions arrived for my fifth ship to discover that I was going to be back on the Irish Wasa, a ship held together by rust. There had been many adventures and a good ‘crowd’ during my first trip on the Irish Wasa in 1974. Fortunately, there was also a good crowd during my second trip, as mentioned in my previous post, with one or two notable exceptions!

Back on the rust bucket! mv Irish Wasa somewhere in the North Atlantic – 1975

Another morale booster on the Irish Wasa was that although we visited some run of the mill ports where shore leave was either undesirable or impossible, we also ended up off the beaten track. During my five-and-a-half month trip we clocked up twenty ports. The boring included Dunkirk, Antwerp, and Dagenham, where we discharged iron ore at Ford (the motor manufacturer). Then there were the more regular iron ore ports such as Amsterdam and Koverhar (Finland).

mv Irish Wasa – loading iron ore in El Ferrol, Spain. Nov 1975

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